Experience Flawless Skin

Skin Tags, Fibromas, Sebaceous Hyperplasias, Cherry Angiomas, Spider Naevi, Clogged Pores, Milia…all of these skin irregularities can prevent you from experiencing the flawless skin that you desire.  I’ve heard so many stories from women (and men) of how they’ve went to different Dermatologists to get these things removed or taken care of with no luck at all.  If you are ready to part ways with your skin irregularities, then look no further.  At Shanti Spa, you can experience a treatment that will have these little annoyances gone in no time.  The special device used for this service emits radio and high frequency that will treat the area without ever penetrating the skin.  This quick service causes little to no pain that is very tolerable and if your pain tolerance is nonexistent, a numbing cream is available for your comfort. Book your appointment today to experience the flawless skin you’ve always desired.